Bushido Virtue #6 Meiyo - Honor
Politicians and celebrities using the media to downplay the shame of their misdeeds. Fathers killing their children for choosing a different point of view. Our culture’s understanding of honor – meiyo in Japanese – is seriously distorted and sullied. It seems today that if we can get away with something or “sincerely apologize” if we get caught, then it’s ok to do whatever we want. Our reputation, our family name, our honor doesn’t matter much anymore. On the other hand, much arrogance and selfishness has been perpetrated in the name of one’s “honor”. So what is it really? This is the 6 th virtue of Bushido. Wikipedia states that honor is “a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability that affects both the social standing and the self-evaluation of an individual or corporate body such as a family, school, regiment or nation”. The key word is perceived. From multiple definitions of the word comes the idea tha...