So many kata, so little time ...

Wow. It's been quite a while. Seminary has taken precedence over my blogging, but not my training.

In Sept 2017, I switched dojos - due to moving too far away from my dojo of the previous ten years. Even as I am frustrated with how many times I have moved and had to switch dojos, I am pumped about where I am now. I am studying Goju Ryu - from the very beginning. I am grateful beyond belief that my new Sensei has allowed me to keep my sandan rank.

So - this morning, instead of my usual yoga/stretching routine outside on my back deck, I went through all of my new kata, a bunkai, and a renzoku. Mind you - I've only learned the patterns, not the essences.

I share this list as much for you as for me to remember.

Gekisai Dai Ichi
Gekisai Dai Ni
Geki Ha
Kaka Ha
Jin Choi
Gesaku Sho

I'm still learning the patterns for Sanseru and Tensho.

Y'all. My heart is full of energy and excitement and joy as I learn new techniques, new patterns, and new ways of being a martial artist. All I can say -

Domo arigato gozaimishita!


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