Introduction to Bushido

Bushido Kanji

If you’ve been around the martial arts for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the word “bushido” at some point. But what does it mean? Bushido is a Japanese word that translates to “way of the warrior”. Bushido represents a Japanese code of conduct and way of life – similar to European chivalry. It was developed by the samurai between the 11th and 14th centuries and was born of philosophy and hundreds of years of military training. Many people in modern countries and Japan still strive toward making the values of bushido a part of their everyday lives today.

The core of bushido revolves around seven virtues. I will list them, then I will explore each one in detail. The Japanese word is given first, then its translation, then a small description:
  1. Gi Rectitude (moral integrity, justice, righteousness)
  2. Yū Courage (mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, withstand danger, fear, difficulty)
  3. Jin Benevolence (to do good, act of kindness, a generous gift)
  4. Rei Respect (hold high or special regard for, to show deference)
  5. Makoto or Shin Honesty (sticking to the facts, fairness of conduct)
  6. Meiyo Honor, Glory (a good name or reputation, to show earned respect, keen sense of ethical conduct)
  7. Chū Loyalty (faithful, unswerving in allegiance)

Others that are sometimes added to these:
  • Kō Filial piety (faithfulness to parents, honoring and respecting your elders)
  • Chi Wisdom (accumulated learning, ability to discern inner qualities, good sense)
  • Tei Care for the aged (taking responsibility for elders)

In an excerpt of James Williams' article "Virtue of the sword", a fairly simple explanation of modern bushido can be found:

"The warrior protects and defends because he realizes the value of others."

The challenge is; how can you embody these virtues in your everyday life outside of the dojo?

-Translations from: Random House's Japanese-English, English-Japanese Dictionary


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